Quickie lush Haul (& Mother’s Day Set)

A couple of weeks ago I discussed that I had enough empty containers to redeem for a totally free face mask and solicited recommendations from you. شكرا لجميع الاقتراحات! I finally got around to a lush store – here’s what I walked out with:

How pretty is that shopping bag?
I ended up much more than I originally planned, but what else is new?

First, a short story: I had actually gone to the lush store last week to redeem for my totally free mask. I made the trek during my lunch break with my coworker, toting my bag of empty containers. I spoke with the helpful SA and got my mask and picked up a couple of other items but was recommended that the POS system (Point Of Sale system, not the piece Of Sh*t system ) was being rebooted and would be back up in 5 الدقائق. No biggie. We milled around the store for another 10 minutes and then went back to the cashier to see if we could check out. The chick behind the counter had such an attitude with us, telling us curtly she’s not available. We asked when the POS will be back up and she said not sure, but didn’t elaborate. She said she could take cash. I do not carry around that much cash with me! We asked how much longer and finally she said it will be another 30 minutes. We recommended her that we’re on our lunch and couldn’t wait around that long! So I had to desert my basket and walked out with all my empty containers and no mask.

Fast forward to yesterday, I finally had time to go back to the mall and lugged back my bag of empties again. This time, success! The mask I ended up getting:

Catastrophe Cosmetic! It typically retails for $8.95 for 60g and I got this for free.  This pot was made on may 2nd and expires may 23rd, so it will make an appearance in my may trash Stash.  I had no hassles with redeeming my empties as I was concerned about. The cashier did make a point to open each and every one of the pots to examine the insides – she said that some people return them with mould inside!

In my post, I also asked for other recommendations from lush and I chose to get 2 hair care products:

Big Shampoo – $27.95 for 325g

Yes this is pricey for a shampoo but I’ve heard such raves for it. and I love me some bouncy voluminous hair so let’s see how this works for me!

No Drought – $8.95 for 55g (also available in 130g for $15.95)

This was also recommended to me in that post and I do like loose powder for dry shampoo versus the aerosol type.

The SA recommended the Veganese Hair Conditioner, which does seem good but I’m concerned it may weigh down my hair so she offered a sample for me to test out first.

Then, I found the Mother’s Day items… I really wanted the limited edition shower Jelly called Pink Custard, but of course, it wasn’t available on its own. So I had to – just had to – get this set:

Yes, I purchased myself a gift set. This set is simply called “Thanks Mom” and sells for $35.95

I quite delighted in unwrapping it. The sticker reads, “This gift was lovingly packed by Rachel’s team”
I liked that there was a label on the outside that showed all of the expiry dates of each item inside.

The set includes:
• Pink Custard shower Jelly ($7.95 for 100g)
• Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner (value of $7.20 for 45g)
• Serendipity Soap ($7.95 for 100g)
• Charity Pot ($7.95 for 50g – 100% of the purchase price of this goes to charity!)

Hmmm the total value works out to be $31.04 which is less than the selling price of the set. I expect the wrapping accounts for the rest of it? *shrug*  I gave the Charity Pot to my friend because she liked it a lot.  I’m also pleased to have gotten Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner – it smells amazing, and I’m hoping it’s not useless like the Turkish delight shower Smoothie.

At least I got the Pink Custard shower Jelly. It smells so good!

If you’re still on the hunt for a Mother’s Day present, lush provides an assortment of goodies:

انظر إلى القائمة الكاملة هنا.

I somehow missed the Serendipity Soap in this shot, oops.
Have you tried any of the items that I got from LUSH?

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