The weekly Roundup: articles You might have missed

The weekly Roundup: articles You might have Missed

Yesterday I heard El Hub talking to another woman on the phone. [turned out to be] this girl named Siri who works for Apple. I heard him say, “Siri, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” and she replied, “It depends on whether you are talking about African or European woodchucks.”

Freaky! have you heard about Siri? It’s a feature built into the new iPhone, and it’s the most remarkable voice recognition/artificial intelligence I’ve ever seen in real life. It’s so unreal that it’s even a lot more sci-fi than some of the talking computers in actual sci-fi movies.


You ask it questions in a normal speaking voice, like “Siri, what day of the week is Christmas this year?” and a woman’s voice instantly replies with the answer. “Christmas is on Sunday, December 25, 2011.” You don’t even have to speak slowly or a lot more clearly than usual, and it even understands different sentence structures, so it knows that “What’s the weather like today?” is generally the same question as “Siri, what is the weather going to be like today?”

For some things, it’s quicker than doing a web search or using an app, like if you want to set a tip to pick up mango bars at Trader Joe’s after work, just say, “Siri, remind me to pick up mango bars at Trader Joe’s after work.”

“When would you like me to remind you?” she responds.


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن


“Here is your tip for today at 7pm:” which is followed by a confirmation box showing the new reminder.

هذا هو. tip set. same thing goes for setting alarms, sending texts and emails, making notes — just say, “Make a note.” Siri replies, “What would you like the note to say?”

“Tabs loves gravy.”


In other news, NARS! I’m still getting to know the new holiday stuff, but I see some really beautiful pieces like G-Spot and Joyous Red Lipstick. What do you think of the release so far? Spectacular or snooze?


Do you remember the last time you wore glitter? hi now, your answer better not be, “I don’t do glitter.” and did I just see you roll your eyes?

Even if you’ve never been a glitter girl before, or if you have but just haven’t had the time lately to rock it often and well, Bobbi Brown’s new Black Ruby sparkle Eye palette ($45) contends that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time (or shimmer) to sparkle.

The limited edition eyeshadow palette hails from Bobbi’s new holiday collection and comes with glittery powder eyeshadows in shades of pink, silver, ruby and onyx. اقرأ أكثر…

amazing fall SKIN IN A FLASH
LOOK polished and put together WITH THESE appeal BARGAINS

There I was, just minding my own service in front of the house yesterday, enjoying a brief respite from the recent rains and daydreaming about some of my favorite fall noms, like candy corn, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes (Mmm… gravy), when it hit me: CRAP! I have a ton of stuff to do this month.

Summer lulled me into a trap, and now I’m paying the price. I spent so much time lounging around, lapping up the sunshine and normally doing everything at a slightly slower pace that now I feel unprepared for fall. اقرأ أكثر…

good things come in SLIM package WITH
THE PIXI utmost appeal KIT

Despite it’s incredibly slim profile, Pixi’s utmost appeal kit ($40) holds a ton of stuff! — 32 eyeshadows, 16 lip colors and eight blushes, in all, in a cute, streamlined case.

Now you may be saying, “Hrmpf! Why are the glosses so close to the powder blushes?” It’s annoying, I know. but if you can get past that, you’ll find a palette filled with pigmented eyeshadows (I think the metallics, pardon the pun, really shine) and radiant blushes. اقرأ أكثر…


Here’s a goofy-but-it-totally-works makeup trick from a big ol’ crybaby (that would be me).

Any time I do anything that involves doctors or needles, as was the case today for the flu shot I received, I’m guaranteed to shed a few tears…unless I plan ahead of time and wear a smokey eye. sounds weird, I know, but when I’m wearing smokey eyes, the concern of streaky makeup helps me fight the urge to cry.

Today’s day-friendly smokey eye comes courtesy of the new Bobbi brown party Eye palette ($45). It’s a a lot more muted, neutral version of the purple look I wore last week. اقرأ أكثر…

FOR easy EYE color more affordable THAN A CHAI LATTE

Leave it to a drugstore appeal bargain to flog a flu shot-induced malaise. I was feeling a little lethargic after getting my flu shot yesterday, but after swatching these Jordana Easyliner Retractable Pencils (just $2 each!), I immediately felt 100 times better.

Like Eggplant, the first shade I tried, and consequently the first of these I feLL في حب، بقية هذه الخطوط المصطبغة تزلج عبر بشرتي دون تخطي وتستمر لساعات على خطوط الرموش والمياه.

إليك نظرة فاحصة في 11 من ظلال 13. اقرأ أكثر…

MAC Unsung Heroes.
أحمر الشفاه الحزب

يجب أن تجد نفسك من أي وقت مضى في خسارة لتحديد حديقة أحمر الشفاه الأحمر مذهل للسقوط، والاتصال ب 555 ريدز الساخنة، وقبل وداع وداعا للشفاه.

استمع بعناية فائقة إلى القائمة لأن خياراتهم قد تغيرت. عندما تصل إلى الجزء الذي يبدأ، “إذا كنت تحب Mac DubonNet لكن العثور عليه بلمسة بنية”، فقد ضرب اثنان متبوعا بمفتاح الجنيه.

يجب أن يأخذك مباشرة إلى بطل ماك غير المجهول لجهاز Mac، وهو ما يحدث، بالمناسبة، خط حزب (14.50 دولار). اقرأ أكثر…

المساحيق في المعادن العارية
BareStruals يا La Luxe Holiday Kit على فضفاضة

الآن، أين أضع فرش ماكياجي …؟

أوه، يجب أن أضعها مثالية هناك! â € “في فتحات مرنة صغيرة مريحة مدمجة في حقيبة ماكياج BUXOM والتي تأتي مع المعادن العارية الجديدة BareStruals Oh La Luxe Holiday Kit (79 دولارا).

القضية الحاملة الفضية هي مجرد الجليد اللامع على الكعكة، لأن الداخل هي تسعة منظار مسحوق فضفاضة، ثلاث حافة، لونين في جميع أنحاء الوجه وظل واحد بطانة (انقر هنا لرؤية حوامل Shebang بالكامل). اقرأ أكثر…

NARS عطلة 2011 حوامل

أتمنى أن تتمكن من المجيء حتى نتمكن من الإغناء عبر حوامل مجموعة NARS Holiday 2011 وأكل بعض أشرطة المانجو من المانجو المتداولين (حارا هنا في ولا كال اليوم).

أعتقد أن زيارة افتراضية يجب أن تفعل. هيا، لكن يرجى خلع حذائك أولا، وأم، عذر السكين بالقرب من الباب الأمامي.

في البداية لم أكن متأكدا من كيفية توافق القطع، ولكن بمجرد أن أخلادها ووضعها، فإن المجموعة بأكملها ككل منطقية للغاية بالنسبة لي.


أنا محبة خاصة الظل أخف وزنا في ماندشوري الثنائي عينيه، الذي ينطبق عليه حمامة ذهبية لامع رمادية مع تلميحات من اللون الأزرق. خلاب! اقرأ أكثر…

مدمن نداء الجوار الخاص بك،


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